Friday, 30 December 2011

Val’s Day Disappointment

I was preparing to pick my children from the school when I got a call. The call was on my Fulfill jewelry line. I was kind of excited on this valentine day thinking it is a potential customer. Yes I was right; it was a potential customer who sounded tired. He made it clear that he was in my shop this morning.

I was perplexed because I have been around and nobody came. I told him so. This was when he released the bombshell. My security turned him away! “Turned you away?” I asked him. This is Valentine’s Day! When people shop for gifts to give to loved ones! I was hopeful to make good sales this special day…Then what am I hearing!

I calmed down and asked my security why. He told him ‘there is no jewelry shop here.’ Even after  the ‘customer’ showed  the  flyers to him, the security insisted there in no jewelry shop, so the man left frustrated. This was when I got the call. I apologized and asked where he was. He told me there were actually three of them, the other two have gone. He just decided to call the number to confirm the address.

I encouraged him to come back but, he declined. I inquired from my security if certain people came to look for me. He said ‘no’ that there were looking for a jewelry shop. I was shocked and asked him if he does not know what I do. He said he didn’t know I make jewelries. That the jewelries he used to see me assemble were my personal collections.

I asked him what of the other people that come to see me who I discuss jewelry designs with. He said his mind did not cross that area.
What a disappointment on Valentine’s Day! A day, I was looking forward to having good sales. I really did have beautiful rings, earrings, bracelets etc for this day. Do you know what? He went further to tell me that another group of persons came and he told them the same thing! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but controlled myself.

I took a deep breath and told him what I do… That I design and create jewelries. Yes I do not have my business name outside, since the address, and telephone numbers are available. He apologized and I drove off to pick my kids from school.

That was how my Valentine’s Day’s sales disappeared due to ignorance. I was disappointed and angry however, I had to let go.. (you may have experienced challenges and disappointments) on this day, but do remember you are not alone. You may have been disappointment that day in your relationship, friendship, business (my case) etc. However, just know it is an experience, do learn a positive lesson from it and forge ahead. I did! That was why I decided to share this with you.

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens” -2nd Cor. 13:8

“To err is human, to repent divine, to persist, devilish”- Benjamin Franklin

Aliogo Linda

Thursday, 29 December 2011

How It All Began...

I have been creating and designing jewelries since 2007. I make this jewelries simply because I enjoy what I do. I fall in love  every time I finish a particular earring, bracelet, necklace or ring! Its simply amazing when you finish a piece of jewelry and really get to look at it! It makes my day as I keep changing its position on the stand,just to view it from different angles. I call it passion. I get excited all over again when a new piece is created!


My 'journey' into jewelry making took 12years. This is simply because I wanted to own my 
business,but most importantly do what I have a passion for. Something that would not look 
like 'work' to me. Something fulfilling. I must tell you all, it wasn't easy discovering this! Hubby had suggestions but it just didn't feel right. His suggestions didn't work for me.I knew I wanted to work from home( have 5 children). I also wanted something I had a passion for.So how did I discover this?

I was watching a t.v programm on how to make your own jewelry and it clicked... got it!! I knew instantly this was what I wanted to do. In order to convince myself I was on the right path, I challenged myself into drawing about 40 designs. I exceeded that number. This was when I knew I was hooked for good. I went ahead to attend  a class and get my tools. Hubby was supportive so also family members and friends.

Today, I have a website and a blog where I discuss issues about family, relationship etc . I'm also on facebook. I wouldn't say I have achieved much because there is always room for growth and improvement. I still struggle with some techniques,still discovering and learning new things however its the love that keeps the fire 'burning' if you know what I mean.Challenging? Yes,  but no regrets.

Complements of the Season!

Linda Aliogo

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Late Night Husbands: How to Cope

It’s about 11pm and you are curled up on the sofa watching the T.V. The children are already in bed and you are alone wondering what is keeping your husband out late. You used to call him when it’s about 9pm to remind him he should be on his way home. You used to get angry and sometimes talk to him when he calls he would be late.

You used to ‘lecture’ to him why he should be home earlier than he normally is and the implication of staying out late. You used to go to bed even when he is not back and decide to ignore any explanation or discussion with him. Sometimes you wonder how and why things have remained unchanged even with you talking.

This is a common issue in most homes. This is even more common with people who work in banks, run private businesses, night clubs, hotels, resorts etc. your husband may not belong to this category  of  people  but actually keeps late night.

So how do you manage late night husbands and keep peace with yourself and the home. Here are some tips:

Nature of profession
Understanding the nature of your husband’s job would help to manage this situation. For instance bankers generally keep late due to the nature of the job. Sometimes this maybe an excuse to keep late but always give that benefit of doubt. Hotel or Night club owners are more active at night. So as a wife, what do you do? How do you cope? How do you manage this? You have to learn to sacrifice and be positive about it. If the income is rolling in and your husband is really responsible, doing what is expected of him, then you must be appreciative and know that nothing good comes easy. You must pay a price at one time or the other. However, the comforting part is it would not be permanent. It would be for a while.

Work at Home
Encourage your husband to bring any extra-work from the office to finish at home. For instance if he has may unread e-mails, encourage him to do the work at home as long as there is access to internet. Assist in any way you can.

Comfortable and Conducive Environment     
The home must be conducive and comfortable for him to want to come home. The house clean, dinner ready and time to actually do his work if he eventually decides to come home to complete it.

There must be a level of understanding between you two. Talk and express your concerns in as much as you want to ignore use the silence treatment. As this would lead to deeper misunderstanding hence cause more friction between you? Just talk once more, mean talk and not NAG. You should know the difference by now. Tell him and make him understand how you feel without drama.

Get Busy
Keep yourself busy with things you enjoy. Reading, writing, surfing internet, listening to music, etc. get busy during the day and do things that you love. I bet you, by the time its getting late, you are ready to go to bed rather than pose for an argument or fight.

Go out Together
Go out for dinner, go out alone and leave the kids. This helps you to bond better and talk in a more relaxed atmosphere. This can be regular weekly, monthly or bi-monthly depending on the available time.

Pray, pray, pray and pray without ceasing. There is nothing beyond God. Hand every situation to Him. You can never go wrong with prayers.

I would love to know how you cope.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” –Prov. 3: 5-6  

“You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” –Shirley Hufsteddler
                                                   Linda Aliogo

Saturday, 15 October 2011

9 Things You Must Know Before Marriage

You have met the love of your life and the wedding bells are just around the corner. You are excited and busy making arrangement for your wedding. Friends and family are around to give a helping hand.

The date is already fixed, the gown is ready and you are ready counting down to the D-day. But wait a moment! Have you really researched on MARRIAGE? Have you asked questions and did you really get genuine answers? Do you have role models in the marriage institution? Why did you choose them as role models and what have you learnt from them? What is your dream about marriage and how do you plan to achieve them?

So before taking that plunge, there are certain things you must know, that is if you have not yet researched. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage is a union most parents if not all look forward to for their children. It is the wish of every parent to see their children happily married. If you are not well informed as you think necessary then I suggest you read through.

Marriage Is An Institution
You must have heard this on so many occasions, but what does it really mean? It is a relationship bounded by law. This makes it established and recognized as expected; the persons involved can now exercise their rights as stipulated.

In marriage, vows are exchanged, and you are expected to live with them and not the way you like. It’s not a convenient relationship where you remain when the going is “good” and quit when it gets “tough”. It is a relationship that is expected to last through out life with your partner. Whether it is rosy or rough, you are meant to really stick to each other.

Love Is Not Enough
Having married for 16 years now, I think I can share some of my experiences. Love is a sure foundation in marriage. This would take you through so many hurdles and challenges however, love is not enough. As you grow older in marriage, you keep discovering new things about yourself and partner and learn to adjust with these changes. You must be willing to adjust, expand, accommodate and forgive if you truly really love your partner.

You Must Want To Keep Your Home
If you have committed to be life partners then, you must seriously be ready to work and keep working  and keep working, working and working to keep it. You actually never stop. It is a huge task. If you really want it, you would go out all the way to keep it. You must want it.

No Revenge Rather Speak Out
Rather than fight or plan revenge against your partner, be prepared to talk, communicate, speak out. Talk and keep talking… mind you, I did not say nag (please it would not take you anywhere trust me!). Keep the communication link open. Invest the energy for revenge to positive changes. I mean invest in making yourself better and how to tackle the issue on ground to get better result. If you want to remain married, revenge should be at the bottom of your list.

Making A Family
The children can come immediately or later either way, this would affect the marriage. The effect could be positive or negative depending on how it is handled. Having children early would affect your time, plans, career, your relationship with your husband, body, finances…These are some of the challenges.

On the brighter side, having children early in your marriage is a thing of joy. Children are blessings from God. Most marriages today are still praying for children to complete their joy.

Waiting For The Fruit Of The Womb
Having children late or still hoping could be a very difficult time in the relationship. There would be extended family involvement, mockery, a lot of pains, strained relationships, huge expenditure involving hospital visits and trips within and outside the country, disappointments…If you do find yourself in any of this predicament, be patient with yourself and each other. Hold on and you would overcome. You would survive and succeed.

You have to be considerate here. You must be willing to respond to each other needs. Your body belongs to your partner so also your partner’s body belongs to you. Do not starve your partner of sex just because you had disagreement or quarreled. It’s difficult, I know that but just do your best especially after reconciliation. Do not use sex as a weapon for revenge. It may work for a while but would eventually boomerang on you. Learn to satisfy each other and be considerate. If you with hold sex from your partner (especially women), he may have no choice but to look outside. I don’t think that is what you really want or what you want to achieve from your revenge. Tell each other what you like and teach if you have to. Be patient too.

 Keep your sex life active. In the early years of marriage, this is natural as you cannot get enough of each other. However, with the children coming, increasing financial pressure, body changes, things may gradually slow down, become boring or eventually stop! This when you have to work on yourselves and consciously plan to revive it. How? That would be another topic entirely.

How do you sustain your lifestyle? Would both of you work or one? The questions are numerous but you really need to sought out all of them one after the other. This is because you must have a viable source of income or at least a strong potential.  Your financial status would determine to some extent your ambition and goals as individuals and as a family. You should be able to discuss and plan about your future when the children come, building your home, setting up a business etc. You must plan; set a target and work together to achieve your goals. As a popular saying goes “Failing to plan is planning to fail”

Hold On To Your Faith
When challenges do come, this would keep you going… your faith in God. Pray, pray and pray and still pray. Just keep doing that.

“Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them." - Colossians 3:19, NIV

"In marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, an enabler rather than a reformer"-H. Norman Wright and Gary J. Oliver.

Linda Aliogo

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

How to Keep In Shape After Having Children

Have you gone back to your wedding pictures? Can you now compare the person in the album to the current one? Do you actually recognize yourself when you look in the mirror?.

 “I don’t have time.” “It’s in the family.” “Diet does not work for me.” “I can’t exercise.” And the list goes on…. I just want to ask you some questions. Do you really like yourself now? Are you really happy with your look? Do you want to look the best that you can be? Do you want to reduce the folds on those areas? You know where! As a mother of five children, I just want to be honest and ‘open’ as possible.

No offense here, it’s just that sometimes you need to be realistic if you want to get results. Losing those flabs and going back to your size before marriage or children is very possible. 

You need to ask yourself the reason why you want to embark on this ‘journey’. I did ask myself. Do you know my answer? I was too young to ‘condemn’ myself to wearing bou bou (free-flowing traditional dress) and loose-fitting clothing all my life. I was not happy. I loved body-fitting and well-shaped clothes. I have seen other women who have kids like me wear these clothes. I wanted to be like these women who have kids and still looked good. I took this decision when I had my third child. He was a large baby. After delivery, everything just didn’t go back to size at all!

My husband was not comfortable with this look. He would chip in once in a while that I should start a work out plan. Since I was not ready, I didn’t really LISTEN until I DECIDED, this is it!

I made the decision and consciously made effort to workout. I started by walking on my duplex stairs at home way back then. I would time myself for an hour and complete this routine. I went further to get a workout DVD. I picked the workout that didn’t need so many things or gadgets. A DVD you just slot in and you are ready to go. I began with three times a week and I must tell you I was enjoying the whole process because I did choose a workout that I liked! I went further to get more DVDs, eventually, bought treadmills, stationary bike, dumb bells and so on.

I went further to cut down on my fizzy drinks. I used to take a bottle of malt drink daily. I reduced it to three times a week. The days I worked out I rewarded myself with it. I continued working out. When I started to notice the flab melting off, I was encouraged. I continued to cut down on my fizzy drinks and introduced homemade juice. I buy fresh fruits and make fresh juices without preservatives and sugar. This was simple, delicious and more important, healthy and this aided in my getting back to shape.

I tried to eat dinner before 8pm. This was very difficult for me to adhere to. But since I was getting positive results, I held on. I also introduced a lot of vegetables into my meals. I ate a lot of vegetable salad but without the dressing. I actually came up with this idea and decided to swap my salad dressing with sweet corn. After tossing together the different types of vegetables, I added sweet corn. I take it as a full meal with grilled chicken and fish. If you must have dressing, you can try out olive oil and apple cider vinegar.

I must remind you that it was not a day’s journey. I had my ups and downs but, I continued. There were occasions where I did take some ‘time out’ but, I remained determined and did go back to my exercise routine after the break. You must really WANT to be back in shape, that is the driving force to keep you going.

Today, I am a mother who is comfortable with the way she looks. I am not saying I am perfect but I am comfortable. And complements from people really adds the right amount of icing to the cake. It feels good when you are complemented on how good you look especially after working so hard to get there. You are not trying to look sixteen but to look and feel good about yourself, wear what you want without looking awkward. Have confidence in yourself and most importantly be healthy and fit ( although I am just mentioning it only now).
You may not share your jeans trousers with your daughter like I do but the point is being happy with yourself. As a wife and a mother, being happy with yourself would rub off on your family in a positive sense. Do not procrastinate again. 
Start NOW! 
You can do it!  I would love if you can share your experiences.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength”- Phil 4:13
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” – Zig Ziglar
Talk to you soon!
Aliogo Linda

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Choosing A Name For Your Child

Have you ever asked about the meaning of the name you have giving or consider giving your child? A name is a person’s identity. It is used to address that person and this identity lives with you.

A name can actually make you or break you. You must have heard of the Kennedys, Oprah Winfrey, and Saddam Hussein etc. These public figures are quickly identified just by mentioning their names.

What is the big deal in naming your child you may ask? 

Picking your child’s name is a serious task, as some people do not really put so much thought in names and naming their children. Some go after celebrities who they admire, some just like the way the name sounds or it is pronounced.

Depending on your race, religion, culture and beliefs, it’s important you give your child a name that is positive and rich in meaning. You would not want your child to start asking why she is called that name. Even if there were any negative circumstances during her birth ( which should not be rubbed off on the child)  you should have a positive spirit when deciding a name. This means picking a name that is identified with positive attributes and good meaning.

Names that are linked to gods, goddesses, deities, masquerades etc should be avoided as this can actually have negative impacts in the child’s life. Some of these gods are associated with revenge, war and anger. They are known to cause famine, floods and even death. For those who pay homage and sacrifices to these gods; they are more likely to name their children after them in appreciation for their protection and blessings. In return, these children exhibit characteristics associated with these gods.

It is very important to pick names from your background. As Africans and Nigerians in particular, traditional names should be encouraged. There are people who do not like their traditional names and would not want to be associated with them. They are happier and more comfortable when they are addressed by their foreign names. When they eventually have children, the same trend is followed.

Traditional names with rich and positive meanings should be encouraged. This makes us to be unique and help to keep in touch with our roots. No matter where you are in the world, your name is an identity and goes a long way to defining who you are and where you come from.  I love traditional names with rich meanings as all my kids are proudly identified with unique and beautiful ones.

Therefore it important to know and understand the meaning of names before giving it to your child. Ask yourself if that is how you want your child to be identified. The bottom line is to understand the name you give to your child.

Thank you for your time. 

“Evil men understand no judgment: but they that seek the Lord understand all things - Prov. 28:5”

“If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest – Frank Whitmore”

Linda Aliogo


Monday, 11 July 2011

Why Your Teenager Has to Wait Before Dating

Entering the teenage years can be a roller coaster for both mother and daughter. There are a lot of emotions and misunderstanding.

The mother is trying to explain the basis of dating and why it’s important to wait up to certain age before getting involved with anybody. The daughter on the other hand, is trying to be independent, believing she is old and ‘wise’ to make decisions concerning dating and relationships.

A teenager is anybody between the age brackets of 13 to 19 years hence, the ‘teen’ attached to these age bracket. She is either in secondary school or in the university.

Teenage years are discovery years where your girl is trying to understand the changes in her body, the emotional outbursts, the confusions that come in trying to express herself. The fears, the questions, the pressure, from friends and age mates.

For instance, a girl in secondary school would be distracted because of the reasons mentioned earlier. She is trying to find her identity and learning to be comfortable in her growing body. This is the time she begins to get attracted to the opposite sex. Usually, this attraction is short-lived before getting interested in another. This is the period of infatuation and is perfectly normal.

The school work is also becoming more hectic, more homework and more chores at home.
The spiritual aspect comes in when she is trying to discern what is ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ in the eyes of God and man. Trying to understand her conscience and beginning to either draw closer to God or alter abandonment of that aspect just because she cannot afford to handle or deal with the floods of thoughts going through her head.

If all these sound familiar and her exhibited by your daughter, then she should be made to understand why she must wait. This is simply because she has to get more matured. She has to listen to you and those she considers as role models particularly when there should always be an enduring objective to be achieved in every relationship.

As a teenage girl, she needs to do her research and be able to understand why she has to date and also know how to define boundaries in every relationship guided by the reason to preserve her personal integrity. The need to allow herself to understand the qualities she likes in the other person which she must always look out for to avoid the chances of rape, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and diseases. All these can be better handled when she is older and more informed on dating and relationships.

Putting an age as the appropriate time is very hard. As you know people get matured differently due to many reasons. Therefore it would be more appropriate to use other yardsticks other than age.  For instance, has she entered the university, does she act matured, Is she well informed about sex and sexuality, her future plans, does she consult you in her decisions, do you knowing her friends?

This is not the time both of you are best of friends, however with constant communication ; issues can be discussed and straightened out. Always pray for your daughter for the right person from now and when she eventually starts dating. This is equally applicable to our teenage boys.
I hope it was fulfilling, If so, please let me know.

Thank you for your time.

“Listen to advice and accept instruction and in the end you will be wise- Prov 19: 20”

“He that won’t be counseled can’t be helped- Benjamin Franklin”
                      Linda Aliogo

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Handling Relationship Discussion with Your Daughter

Being blessed with a baby girl is very exciting and rewarding. First, she has all the girly and fanciful stuffs that you can lay your hands on. You know girly stuffs are very attractive and beautiful. You don’t seem to get enough of them. You keep buying! and buying! not realizing you have earlier purchased that exact stuff. You know the pretty stuffs I am talking about, hair accessories, dresses, shoes, pinky socks…

Then within a twinkle of an eye, your little girl blossoms like a beautiful flower. You start realizing, that she is growing up, paying more attention to herself. The breasts develop and you start worrying about the attention she is getting.

You realize that you have to start TALKING!  But  WhatHowWhen?
You become clueless and then turn to God and start praying He should put the right words in your mouth.

She starts asking questions about her body and boys and RELATIONSHIPS. You start thinking and want to figure out how to start the conversation. You ask yourself what is too detailed or what is not enough (that is, how and where to draw the line).

I hope I am communicating? You now know is either you speak out or “forever remain silent”.
I must tell you that you are not alone. I would tell you what actually worked and is working for me.

Being Comfortable
You should try to be comfortable with yourself and honestly, I did pray a lot about it before now. Make yourself comfortable and then her.

Pick the Right Time
It could be when you are having a conversation about school, her friends or hobbies. When cooking in the kitchen or watching T.V. A time, you are both relaxed.

Be Connected
There must be that connection between you. I mean that mother-daughter bond. This is made possible by listening to her, all the time, and encouragement in every aspect. You must have such a bond that she tells you everything. She is OPEN to you. She should be able to trust you and your judgment.

Observe and educate
“Teach a child the way she should grow and when she grows up she will never depart from it.” Learn to observe closely her actions and activities and use them to educate her as experience is not always the best teacher in this case.

Pray in advance. It doesn’t stop that awkward feeling and anxiety, but it does help to give a smooth sail. Your experience may be different. You must also point your child to God as “He is the Way, the Truth and the Light.”

“Where no counsel is, the people fail, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety –Prov 11:14 “
“Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it –Pubilius Syrus”

Talk to  you later and thanks for your time.

 Linda Aliogo

Thursday, 9 June 2011


Life is too short. A poem that talks about the relationship between my father and I. Gives an insight of dealing with the loss of a loved one and the importance of achieving what you set to do regarding your relationship with your family or loved ones.

We were supposed to visit him
He was supposed to  confide in me ,tell and show me things
But I thought I had time as one thing led to the other

He was to pay a visit to my aboard
He spoke to the children sometimes
He always expressed warmth and nice presence as he meant it
He never complained
Based on that I thought I had time

I was building a bridge of friendship
I was building a bridge of a father he always expressed
Though it was slow, it was gradually steady and catching up indeed
I thought I had time

Though so much was not spoken or understood
The feelings were there, strong
I was confident he had time but never knew I was wrong
As the master of time has its own will
I never spent so much time with him
He never did too

I planned to make up some how
He never complained
He never faulted anybody
He did reach out the way he knew
I thought I had time

He was simple and easy going
He loved and mixed up with all
He was encouraging the way he knew
I wanted to get closer and understand him better
I had   plans for him
I wanted to do more for him
I thought I had time

Spoke to him on Saturday
Got a message on Monday
He was gone hours later
I never expected it soon
I thought I had time

Would miss his simplicity
Would miss those calls-conversations
Would miss his voice
Would miss that part of me
I thought I had time

 May he rest in the Lord’s bosom
I want him to know he is a part of me
I miss him my own way
I never knew I had no time
I thought I had time

T.N.  Okereke (Dr.)
( 1941- 2011)

“For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" -Romans 8: 38-39

“Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow" – Mahatm Gandhi 
                                                       Linda Aliogo                                                         

Monday, 16 May 2011

Gemstones and Personalities

In the world, we do have different ethnicity, colours, beliefs and personalities. As you very well know, people are made up of different characters hence the way they want to be addressed or identified. Like people, there are various types of gemstone scattered across the globe. These come in various colours, sizes and shapes. Gemstones are identified and valued based on the values and qualities they posses.  I believe this is also true with people which help to understand their personalities.

Ruby is associated with strength and physical energy. This is obviously due to its color which is red. Strength could mean strong character or fame depending on the context it’s used. Those who want to hold political or top administrative positions should look closely and adorn themselves in this stone as these qualities are necessary for their success. Now, are people with these personalities attracted to this gemstone?

Opal is a multi coloured stone. Opal is for those who know how to express themselves and communicate effectively. This gemstone is associated with love and great achievement. Ideal for the confident and those who know what they want.

This gemstone does not come cheap as it is the most valued and expensive gemstone. Diamond is associated with success, luxury and exclusivity. These qualities are reflected in people who are rich and successful in their various endeavours. Riches come in various ways; some people can see it as monetary, outstanding character, fulfillment in their careers or businesses. Whichever way you see it, like diamond, it must be enduring and would have gone through a lot of processes that revealed its beauty and brilliance.
Being one of the four most precious gemstone (which includes, diamond, ruby and emerald). 

Sapphire is one of the most exclusive gemstones. The qualities are associated with this stone include youthfulness, vigour and even envy. Others are sincerity, consistency and reliability. It comes in various colours namely pink, lavender and green.

Emerald is a gemstone known for its beauty. Emerald is also associated with reliability. Hence it is a stone that is characterized with having a very strong bond and connection as well as undiluted or undying love which are reflected in certain people.

The similarities in these gemstones and people can be seen in their individual uniqueness. People are associated with different qualities like these gemstones. This means that there are gemstones that actually match people’s personalities. It is just left for you to find out which one(s) of them suit your personality. This makes the real you.
Thanks for your time.

                                                             Linda Aliogo


 Hello, Lovelies It has been quite a while! Hope you're keeping safe and doing good. Today, I felt like sharing this topic with you: cry...