Sunday, 27 December 2020

Fulfill Jewelry Exhibition

Complements of the Season Lovelies! How are you doing? 

So, we had our Exhibition this month and it took a lot of preparation.  This is one of the reasons I have been apologies though. I didn't really set out to have this because of the obvious challenges of 2020. As we know, things are economically down globally.  However, I just felt there's always never a perfect time to have anything done. You just hope and plan for the best and pray for God's mercy.

The jewelry was the most important ingredient here. I worked day and night to boost the collections and I must say, we had BEAUTIFUL PIECES!...not kidding or boasting. Every piece was tastefully done to satisfy.

December is typically a busy month because of the festivities and trips made to celebrate with distant family members and friends. So a lot of presents and gifts are exchanged. In that spirit, I felt it would be a good time to have an exhibition. In a relaxed and fun place. 

Beautiful venue at the poolside in the very exclusive SpringPark Yaad Hotels and Tours situated in Osborne Foreshore Ikoyi, Lagos. ( An exclusive place for your accommodation and fine cuisines ).

Good music, drinks, and food were served. The press was there to do an interview. 

It was a good day and I'm thankful.  Below are the pictures and links readily available now. 

With this, I want to wish you a happy and prosperous New year.  Cheers to 2021 by HIS Grace!

Be safe!


Click to read newspaper article

Click to read newspaper article


 Hello, Lovelies It has been quite a while! Hope you're keeping safe and doing good. Today, I felt like sharing this topic with you: cry...