Sunday, 26 August 2012

Rebirth Of Old Jewelries

Old jewelries can be boring and dull. Looking at them could be unpleasant as you maybe clueless as to what and how to use them. Maybe you have thought about giving them out or even selling them; if only they have second hand value.

Some of these old jewelries maybe highly valuable if they do have considerable high level of gold. Others may not worth much. 

 If you are considering the trends, these jewelries may not still be hot. But these are jewelries you love, you have an emotional attachment to- perhaps it was given to you by a loved one which you intend to keep for a long time. Jewelries you have worn over and over again simply because you love them. Even jewelries that looking boring and old that you don’t know what to do with them.

But wait...before you take any  harsh decision, have you thought about rebirth?

Yes, rebirth, bringing these old jewelries back to life again!  Making  them trendy and usable again!

Bringing back to life old jewelries is easy! Spending a fraction of money and being creative is key to rebirth of these jewelries. This is what you do. They can be re designed and created into more trendy and timeless pieces especially the beaded ones. This is by adding beading or jewelry accessories that make them look and feel new and trendy or timeless!

Another way is putting together both old and trendy jewelry pieces together with your outfit. I mean, mix and match old and new designs. This would give a vintage feel without necessarily making your look old or boring. It gives you an edge and makes you stand out in a crowd!

For those who are vintage-minded, this could be an avenue to share your story behind such a piece! As you know, people are always interested and fascinated  by vintage collections.

So when next you pull out those old jewelries, do not consider them as useless rather, apply the tips mentioned and bring them back to life. This helps you to preserve those jewelries that you love and hopefully pass  them down to the next generation.

 Enjoy J

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"Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous"- Abd-el-kadar

                                                 Linda Aliogo

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Power Of Thinking: My Answer

“If I ‘m in control of my 24hours once yearly, what would I do or achieve?”

This question popped out from my head one evening when I was jogging. I stopped jogging and started walking in other to think. I kept thinking through out my work-out time, the following days and some weeks that followed. I could not come up with a satisfactory answer.
Then one evening, it happened!  I got an answer, a satisfactory one. My answer…

Well, here it is; I would work on the power outages, fix the dams, supply gases, install and repair infrastructures that would ensure constant and stable power supply!

Since I am a ‘super woman’ for 24 hours, it means everything I want can be done with the speed of light. I also thought if I’m that powerful, I could even extend the 24 hours until every problem in our power sector is readily solved and we can enjoy uninterrupted power supply in the country.

When these thoughts came to me, I smiled and felt good inside. I felt happy and satisfied. However, just like being a ‘superwoman’ is not realistic, so sadly being able to achieve my dream is unrealistic.

But this question gave me something- the power to think and solve challenges. I would have loved to live in a country where we can boast of constant power. A country where so many things would fall in place if we can have uninterrupted power.

As we all know, with constant power, there would be more jobs, less use of generators, less pollution (noise and air), less stress as the standard of living would improve while the cost of living would reduce. This would  improve the life expectancy of our dear country which is about 49 years for the men  and 55 years for women at the moment. The lowest in the West Africa region.

This would have been my dream, my solution and my achievements if I was a ‘superwoman’.

What would have been your own answer?

“When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life”-Remez Sasson

“HE give power to the faint, and to them that have no might, He increaseth strength”- Isaiah 40:29

                                      Linda Aliogo

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

12 Lessons I Have Learned In Marriage

Marriage is an institution where two persons agree to share their lives together…hopefully forever.  Being married for a while now, these are lessons I have learned so far in this journey.
I have come to learn that marriage is a journey that requires a lot of patience…lots of it! The older the marriage, the more patient you become. Not born with this- patience, but it one thing I have come to know you cannot do without.
I have come to learn to give and let go… As a single person, there were certain beliefs and ideas I lived with. But with marriage, I have to come to realize that things did not fit into my marriage, I had to take the ultimate decision of letting them go. The picture of my marriage as a single person does not necessarily agree with my reality, now that I am married, they are quite different.
I have come to learn that I have my roles- wife and mother. These roles are tasking and serious if you really want to be successful.
I have come to learn you cannot have your way all the time… Sometimes, you need to be silent to achieve your result. You need to let him lead the way for you to finally get your way.
I have to learn and know proving your points all the time does not do much. Rather, it leads to complications, lots of argument and waste of energy and time.
I have come to learn and know that appearance matters, food matters and sex. Make effort in these three areas.
I have come to learn and know that prayer is essential and it works! Pray about anything and everything and you would notice changes.
I have come to learn and know he is also my son and not only a husband and a father.
I have come to learn and know every marriage is unique; hence what works for me may not be acceptable in another marriage. I realized that based on this, you cannot necessarily judge but respect that marriage. Also try to learn something.
I have come to know that you cannot lean only on your understanding. You have to listen to people around when they talk. People who are genuinely concerned about you and your home. They see what you don’t see, hear what you don’t hear…sometimes.
I have come to learn not to dwell on show of negative attitudes and behaviour exhibited in your home by others. Hurtful sometimes, yes but overlook and focus on the bright side of life. Dwelling on negativity is unhealthy…don’t let anyone rob you of your happiness. It’s yours. Just let go.
I have come to learn to do the right thing.. Sometimes its easy, sometimes its difficult but you still get it done, sometimes you struggle but no matter the situation, you keep making effort to get it right. 
You just keep working.

Let me hear from you.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken”- Eccl. 4:9-12

"More marriages would survive if the partners realized sometimes the better comes after the worse"- Doug Larson"

Linda Aliogo

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

The Power Of Thinking

I was working out one evening and I got thinking. My thoughts were random as I continued jogging. Then, like an electric wave (in my brain) this question pop up

 “If I’m in control of my 24 hours once yearly, what would I do or achieve?”

I stopped jogging and started walking. I was thinking and I could not come up with any answer. It surprised me because I just didn’t know what I could do with such power!

My heart was wondering trying to figure out what the answer was but to no avail. I could not answer this question so I posted it on my status on a social network, there was no answer! I guess people were clueless just like myself. This question kept me thinking for days and weeks.

Finally, after some weeks I was able to get an answer to this question. With this experience, I came to understand why self discovery is difficult and equally important. I also came to understand why certain things like questions in our lives are difficult to explain, describe and answer. I understood that sometimes we have more questions than answers in life. That questions that get you thinking are like paths that lead to discovery (it could be self discovery). This path of discovery leads you to these answers (which may be solutions to challenges in our  lives). That is the power in thinking.

I realized when we give much thought to any question that pose as challenge, we could actually figure out solution to them by thinking through.

This is not the same as worrying. When you are worried, you are not thinking about getting a solution. You are only killing yourself with stress and maybe high blood pressure.

When you think, you want answers. You are focused on the question which may be a challenge in your life. However, when your worry you are not focused on getting answers, rather you are creating more problems. You are complicating the question you are seeking answers to.

We all have some questions yet to be answered. But one thing I learnt from this experience is going the extra-mile in trying to get answers. Tasking our brain just a little more could help!

And the reward – did I tell you how exhilarating it was? It felt real good when I figured out my answer

Believe me, giving just a little more thought to that question or challenge could actually invoke that power of thought that are innately in us. You have that power in you. It is just left for you t reach in deep and tap it. As for the answer to the question, check out my next post

I would be glad if you can share any experience that invoked the power of thinking in you. 

Drop a comment and let’s talk.

"Clear thoughts produce clear results"- Remez Sasson

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me"- Phil 4:13

Linda  Aliogo


 Hello, Lovelies It has been quite a while! Hope you're keeping safe and doing good. Today, I felt like sharing this topic with you: cry...