Well, here they are
Sex Education Is For Boys Too
A lot of focus on the girl-child
because she bears the brunt, the pains, blame and of course carry the
pregnancy. Parents especially mothers fail to talk to their boys about sex,
about abstaining! They concentrate on the girls on how to behave and act before
boys but hardly do they tell their boys how to act and treat girls. This is
ignored as our boys feel they can have sex anytime.
Due to ignorance, they fail to know
that having sex results in pregnancy. That they are equally as guilty as the
pregnant girl. If we start educating our boys about this- they are equally
guilty as the girl, then it would help to change a certain mind set a s regard
teen pregnancy.
Rape Is A Crime- A Violation of the
The girl is ridiculed, abused and
ignored. She carries the pains and shame. The violator is not punished for this
offence, as he gains freedom after a while in detention. I just want to ask
When are we going to take rape as a
serious crime?Right now, nothing or little is done
about this.
He is Equally Guilty As Her
All the blame goes to the girl. She is
reminded how she has become loose and wayward! How she has brought shame to the
At this stage, I just want to ask if
the boy is getting the same treatment like the girl. Both should be treated
equally as both of them are guilty. Does it not take two to tangle?
Accepting Responsibility Is Not
Assurance For Marriage
The reason some boys deny being
responsible is simply because they are not prepared for marriage. They are not
yet ready to take up the responsibilities of a husband and a father. They are
not yet empowered for this role.
If there are no strings attached in
their involvement, they would own up and it would be easier for both families
to reach a compromise on what they should do. But if marriage is the only
option then, the boy would rather deny than accept responsibility.
I just wish that the families involved
should understand this- That its better for an unborn child to have an
identity, to know his father rather than to be denied because of the hostile
conditions surrounding his conception and later birth.
Furthermore, if they are forced into
marriage, what future do they have together at this point in their lives? The
two persons involved should be given a second chance to better their lives and eventually
decide if they would want to have a life together or not. It should not be
forced on them because whatever the outcome in that marriage, they would always
remind you that they were forced into it.
Is Not War For Both Families
The deed is done. The two persons involved
are going through a lot. This is not the time for both families to throw blame
at each other.
“You did not train your daughter well”
“My son is not responsible”
“Your son must marry my daughter”
No, this is not the time. It would not
take you anywhere. As long as the two who are involved have acknowledged their
actions, then its time to sit down and
discuss on the way forward. The two should be part of the discussion on
what they want as regard their situation. They may not exactly know what they
want. However, they should be carried along. The discussion should be based on how
they can go through this path and get back to improving their lives in order to
become responsible. Both family should talk and war.
Emotional Stress of the Girl
She has upsetted her life and others
and she’s paying dearly for it. A lot of tears, emotional pains, regrets and
fear. She needs to be cancelled and educated on sex again. This time no holds
barred. You must know everything and what await her at the end of the pregnancy(giving
birth). She has to be prepared; questions regarding that should be answered as
candidly as possible.
She should not be ignored or isolated.
She should be encouraged about the situation and the lesson learnt.
Getting Back to School
Being pregnant is not end of her goal
in life. Having a baby is a thing of joy only that it happened to early and at
the wrong time.
Some of the girls do not go back to
school because there is no support system at home. So, she has to take care of
her baby and herself. She may even live with extended family members after she
has been ‘disowned’ and pursued away from home.
What we are not saying enough is that
there is life after having a baby. Those dreams and goals can still be achieved
if only they get back to school. These girls should be encouraged to do so. They
just need to work harder.
Thanks, your comments are welcomed.
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you
abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his
own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles
who do not know God”- 1 Thess.4:3-5
“Reducing teen pregnancy and birth is one of the
most effective ways of reducing child poverty in the country”- Jordan Brown
Linda Aliogo
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