A world where we are made to feel
ugly, sick, angry and insecured just because of our looks. A world where the
less natural you are, the better you are accepted as beautiful!
What a world!
I sit and wonder why how we have allowed ourselves to be so
brainwashed by what we see and hear. Why we have allowed our fellow beings to
define how we look and what is accepted as ‘beautiful’.
You are worried about your face, nose,
ears, breasts, stomach, thighs.. You are not happy because you feel you are too
short, too tall, too fat or too thin. You hate the stretch marks and cellulites
on your body. You feel you are not beautiful because you have been comparing yourself
with what is currently regarded as ‘beautiful’ right?
If you are, then it is time to change your mind set.
I want you, who is reading this to
know that you are beautiful- in every way. Just like all fingers are not equal
so also we are diverse in our beauty. Just like the fingers work together to
hold any object so also our diverse looks make us who we are, actually unique
and beautiful giving a colorful world when we come together too.
There is beauty in diversity. There is
strength in unity. Therefore our diversity is actually our strength. We don’t
need to change this, rather we need to appreciate and be proud of who we are..
To me that is beauty and being beautiful!
Your shortcomings may be another
person’s love, so appreciate who you are and what God has bestowed on you. Be
contended, be happy and accept who you are. In other words, be comfortable in
your skin and you will eb appreciated.
Exercise, watch what you eat and
refuse to compare yourself with any other because you are YOU! And you are beautiful!
Drop a comment.
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well”- Ps.139:3
“Even the models we see in magazines
wish they could look like their own images”- Cheri K. Erdman
Linda Aliogo
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