Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Pendulum

The world like a pendulum is never constant but always oscillating from negative to positive and vice -versa. This underlies the wisdom of GOD Who did not make day without night, good without evil, sun without rain, life without death, rich without poor, high without low, Jews without Gentiles.

Indeed, HE made everything in pairs even in the powers that rule the world, there is GOD and Satan! This truism indicates that GOD also did not create joy without sadness.

As you savour the joy that new year 2012 brings, I urge you to reach out to the other majority persons at the other reality of divide ordained by creation and share in their situation. This is important as no condition is constant like the Pendulum swings, and can indeed swing either ways for every person.

I wish you and your family and loved ones a happy new year! and indeed new life and thinking about the Pendulum!

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens" -Eccl. 3:1

"The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness" -Uknown

                                          Linda Aliogo

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 Hello, Lovelies It has been quite a while! Hope you're keeping safe and doing good. Today, I felt like sharing this topic with you: cry...