Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Count Your Blessings!

Greetings to you. How has your week been?  WOW!  We are at the end of 2018.  I really wonder how this year flew by so fast. Like a roller coaster if you ask me


 I clearly remember my last Christmas and other things that happened like yesterday. I remember always telling my kids that 2018 was going way too fast and I just wished it could slow down. Well, time waits for nobody, hence the need to judiciously use it to the best of our ability. It's been a tough and interesting year but it's  had its highlights too. Very grateful to the Lord Almighty for being around and there for me.

How has your year been? Beautiful, great, awesome, brilliant, hard, challenging, disappointing, painful?   Which do you wish to end 2018 with? The pains or the gains? Well, I choose the gains and the blessings because only the LIVING celebrates. Therefore I choose to count my blessings and thank God for everything that has led up to this second.

Whether it be the fact that you're alive, you're  here, you're  healthy, you're working, you're walking, you have a roof over your head, you have kids you have a family, your loved ones are alive,  you can see, talk, cry (add to the list too), find reason to always give gratitude and thanks to the Almighty. I hope you're aware many people can't do these things we unconsciously take for granted. Blessings don't have to be  just milestones or dreams that come to pass, but little things that make the difference in our lives!

Release yourself from that anger or depression and be grateful. Get ready for 2019. Not  necessarily New Year resolutions, but hey, if it works for you please go ahead.

Reflect on the ending year and learn from the mistakes. Don't crucify yourself. We can not come and go and kill ourselves.


Rejoice and be grateful for another year to get things right and properly done!

Rise and shine! Enjoy the season and have fun!

Here are some jewelries to inspire you and kill that outfit. Available for order. Customized as well if you want!

 Remember, you have blessings that money can't buy! Be encouraged and drop a word below!



  1. Replies
    1. Life is's the most important factor. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas. Thank you so much!

  2. Ultimately, 'Life' is the Big and Real Deal! Leave the challenges of 2018 and past years behind. Challenges are parts of our redemptive package. They come to make us stronger and better. With Life, It's never too late. So get on the wheel and get started. 2019 is a year of Higher Grace!

    Lord, am very grateful for the gift of life!

    1. Absolutely grateful for Life. It will surely be a great year through our God. Amen! Thank you so much.

  3. Grateful for life....nice one

    1. Absolutely, you have hope when you have life. Thanks


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 Hello, Lovelies It has been quite a while! Hope you're keeping safe and doing good. Today, I felt like sharing this topic with you: cry...